At last! A stress free option. Share
Share = less stress, less time, less costs
Less stress, less time, less costs. Year after year in the evaluation of your latest Annual Report publication you promise this to yourself and your colleagues. And year after year you end up with less improvement than you initially intended.
The main reason therefore is the ‘third party intervention’ and the complexity of the process. The solution is maximum automation of the process. Until recently no system has been able to fully comply.
But now there is a fundamentally different option: the Share Financial Publisher. Different because it was initially built for the purpose of publishing financial reports, and not derived from an existing management tool. And different because it does not ‘push’ your data into graphic programs like InDesign. Share ‘pulls’ the information from your sources and then converts it to a publish-ready format. From any source to any publication, with guaranteed consistency as the same source is used for all publications.
Using the same technology that we developed to automatically generate complex catalogues we succeeded to eliminate errors from ‘manual intervention’, saving countless hours of graphic production and checking, considerably reducing stress and enabling you to faster and more frequently supply your stakeholders with relevant information in a full corporate identity proof lay-out.
As Share produces your full Annual Report in a matter of minutes you will also produce your future quarterly updates just as simple and fast. And that’s more than you were aiming for in the first place.
Want to be convinced? Call or mail us for a demo! One hour now will save you many in the future.
“I never entered a pre-publication weekend as relaxed as this year”
Anja den Besten, Reporting Manager at Nutreco
For questions about Share or for a demo please contact:
Pieter Brouwers
M: +31 6 12 74 96 64